Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Enable/Disable restrict mode of Apache in R12

Enable restrict mode of Apache in R12:

1. Login to your applications tier as application user and source the environment file.

2. Stop your all application tier services by running adstpall.sh from $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME.

3. Run the script 'txkrun.pl -script=ChangeApacheMode' from the $FND_TOP/bin

4. Then it'll prompts for the following inputs:

a) full path for the Applications Context file

b) Enter the mode for Apache. Type 'Restrict'

c) Confirmation of whether you have stopped your applications tier services

5 Once you enter the above details, the configuration script

a) sets the respective context variables in the context file required to
configure the Restricted mode

b) instantiates the configuration files for the HTTP Server and OC4J

6. Restart all application services on the applications tier.

Whenever the users try to access the Applications home page, they get
redirected to the downtime page generated when you schedule downtime.

Disable restrict mode of Apache:

1. Login to your applications tier as application user and source the environment file.

2. Stop your all application tier services by running adstpall.sh from $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME.

3. Run the script 'txkrun.pl -script=ChangeApacheMode' from the $FND_TOP/bin

4. Then it'll prompts for the following inputs:

a) full path for the Applications Context file

b) Enter the mode for Apache. Type 'Normal'

c) Confirmation of whether you have stopped your applications tier services

5. Restart all application services on the applications tier.

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