Thursday, February 19, 2015

RPMS installation

RPM stands for Red Hat Package Manager. With RPM, you can install, upgrade and uninstall software on Linux, as well as keep track of already installed RPM packages on your system. This can be done because RPM keeps a database of all software that was installed with it.

RPM uses software packages that have the .rpm extension.When you use RPM for installing the software package, RPM checks if your system is suitable for the software the RPM package contains, figures out where to install the files the package provides, installs them on your system, and adds that piece of software into its database of installed RPM packages.

Please check the commands for installing software. Note that you need to be root when installing software and use the rpm command with appropriate options to manage your RPM software packages.

Basic commands :

rpm -qa | grep -i -> To grep package

rpm -ivh --test .rpm -> For checking the package installed or not

rpm -Uvh -> To Upgrade a package

rpm -e -> To uninstall a single package

rpm -ev --nodeps -> To uninstall packages including dependencies(Use this command carefully as it will uninstall all dependencies)

rpm -ivh rpm1 rpm2 rpm3 -> To install dependencies(Circular dependency)

yum install -> To install the packages which are looking for other packages

It will look at the rpm files and determine of all the dependencies are either covered by the rpms being installed, or by packages installed already on the system

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